Aurora School

What is the Early Education Program?

We offer support to deaf and hard of hearing children, and deafblind children, aged 3-6 years and their families in a state-wide centre-based program. Our aim is to immerse your child in a language rich environment where they have the opportunity to develop speech, listening and communication. We are a bilingual setting that uses both Auslan, the language of the Deaf community, and English. We value both Auslan and English equally, however, we also acknowledge and value the language that you use with your child at home. We work in partnership with you and your family, building on your child’s strengths and competencies to support your child to reach their potential.

Who is eligible for our service?

Children with a bilateral sensory-neural hearing loss, or a permanent conductive hearing loss (confirmed by an audiologist) that is moderate/severe/profound and need intervention or assistance to communicate. Deafblind children who have a diagnosed and documented vision impairment with a report from an ophthalmologist.

Who are our staff?

Our highly trained team of professionals includes Teachers of the Deaf, Deaf Educators, Speech Pathologists, a Social Worker, Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, Audiologist and Physiotherapist.

What do we do?

We work directly with children in small groups focusing on learning through play. Programs are developmental with particular emphasis on communication and language.
We also provide:
  • Family days and information sessions.
  • Consultancy to other programs, including kindergartens, schools and childcare .
  • Liaison with Australian Hearing, the Cochlear Implant Clinic, CHIC and PHLIC Clinics and other agencies.
  • School Transition support.
  • Interpreters (Auslan, Languages other than English).

What does it cost?

This program is funded by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.

Where are we?

96 Holland Road, Blackburn South, Victoria 3130.

What happens when we receive an enquiry?

Once we receive your referral, we will contact you to arrange an information visit at our school. This is an opportunity for you to find out about our program and decide whether it will meet your needs.


Your child may be eligible for transport assistance if they attend the school a minimum of three days a week.


On site accommodation is available to country families whose child is enrolled in the Early Education Program and who attend on a part-time or casual basis.

When are we available?

The program runs on a termly basis in line with DET Schools timetables.